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About Us

Compost Creative is a multi-Emmy award-winning studio founded by Colin Thornton and Neil Wilson in 2007, who first collaborated at the BBC in 2005.


A viral hit on Youtube called 'Bloody Omaha' (back when 4 million views was a lot) was the pivotal moment when Compost Creative was formed. We continue to approach every new project with the same commitment and enthusiasm as we showed in that gruelling viral.

We have carefully built up a strong team of directors, designers, and artists who are ready to collaborate with clients on projects ranging from documentaries and feature films to title sequences and game cinematics.

Our experience means we understand the importance of context — how the visuals we're creating fit into the film, where to introduce humour, and where to stay restrained and subtle. We're familiar with the complexities of running a production and will work with clients to ensure our collaboration workflow is smooth sailing and tailored to the production's specific needs.


We keep Compost Creative relatively small so that we can stay in touch with all of our ongoing projects. Over the years, we have found that honesty and direct communication is vital. Our team operates with that in mind, and as a result, the budget ends up on the screen.



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